
Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Last Week: Part 2... Dooms day(s)

Okay The Last Week: Part 2. 
Man was the last few days rough but I'll go int more detail about them later. Lets start with the week end. 
October 16th-18th 2014
Well the 16th was a Thursday, We went to dinner with his family at Iggy's sports grill and watched a bit of the Giants Vs. Cardinal game.

 I had my first taste of Calamari. It was good. Than we went and watched Box Trolls. It was a really good movie. Super Cute! After the movie we walked around the university village area, Ran into my Grandma, and DANCED! I love dancing with him. It was a romantic Evening. 

Friday, the 17th I didn't see him. My parents and family were out of town for fall break. I stayed home because this would be my last weekend with him for 2 years. So Friday, like I said I didn't see him. But I did get to finish his "Open When..." Letters that was great! I also Hiked the Y while it was lite and that was way cool. Something I wanted to do on my "List". 
Saturday: The 18th, Our 9 Month anniversary. We rode the train up to Salt Lake City. Went to the Planetarium. Walked around Temple Square. Walked around City Creek. I forgot I had his promise ring in my finger and he saw it on the was home. He Loved it! I was so happy! I was even more happy that it fit! woo, I was worried. I gave him a CTR ring so he can remember to put the Lord and His work first. Than engraved on the inside I put <3 Ladybug. Ladybug if you didn't know was the NickName he gave me one day at school. We than  Came home, I took him to his favorite restaurant. Yamatos. He loves that place! I gave him his open when letters. He had made me open when letters too! I get to open my first one tomorrow. I can't wait to read them and write him and all of that Sappy stuff hahaha( but don't worry I wont take away from the Lord) We went to chuck -e- cheeses so he could play a game he has been wanting to play for awhile he said goodbye to Dante and Alissa (both good friends of ours) we  Watched a movie. Cuddled. and just enjoyed each others company. One of the greatest days of my life. 
 Sunday came and we talked on the phone that night. It was so good to hear him. I'm going to miss that the most I think. Just hearing his voice.

 Then Came....

October 20th-21st 2014
 I said goodbye to the love of my life and best friend yesterday. That was HELL. I felt like a part of me died inside. A part of me was torn out and taken away. My heart is with him and always will be. It was just SO HARD to go through that. He brought over a HUGE box of clothes, jackets, T-Shirts, the tank top I hate haha and His AXE. I love it. I wore his captain America Shirt today. Then we started our walk down memory lane.  We went to the place where we had our first date. The Scera Shell Park. We weren't dating at the time but that was the first date we ever went on. Anyways we went there and talked. Then we went to the temple where he gave me my ring. So we went to the first and "last" (not really) date places.  

Then we said our good byes. I was in hysterics. I have never ever cried that hard in front of someone I loved (other than my parents). I felt so bad. I didn't want to make it any hard for him. Once he left and I went in side. I ran to my dad and mom and lost it once again. I felt like I wanted to rip my heart out and just die. I did not want to feel that pain. 
We had our last phone call last night too, where we just cried and talked together. That helped so much, just hearing him for the last time and knowing he loves me. He sent me a voice recording so when ever I need to hear his voice I can listen to that and let me tell you, I will be listening to it often. 

So that was Day 0. (forever known as dooms day in my heart)

Today is Day 1. Today was easier, I could actually talk about him with out crying. I could think about him with out crying. I got so excited to email him today. I already have so much to tell him. I'm going to the post office or BYU bookstore to buy stamps so I could send him so many letters. I am just so excited to see what this new adventure has to offer! Yes I know it will be hard. But I know I can do it!  With the help of my heavenly father. :)
 I'm Just a girl in love with her best friend, A girl who can't wait to hear from her missionary, A girl who is excited to serve the lord in 6 months, A girl who can't wait to see what happens next.

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Last week: Part 1

Well it's here, The Last Week: Part 1.( Part two will be after he is gone) I have with the love of my life for two years. It's so crazy to think that he leaves in 9 days. I never thought this day would come. But here it is. One week. I a so excited and proud of him. He is such a great example to me. I know he will be a great missionary. I want to make this week speacial for him. But he also has time with his family so Saturday is my day with him. I can't wait! I want to just give my full attention to him and no one or anything else. 
      So.... I'm going to go a little tangent and tell you a story, Now about a month ago him and I were helping out a friend of ours ( Alissa Lopez). She was doing a scavenger hunt for her missionary Elder Johnson. Let me just say it was super cute. She has balloons and a note at each place. Chance and I were stationed at the Provo Temple. Super romantic :) We got there and sat down on a bench with the balloons and note for Elder Johnson. As soon as we sat down Chance said " I just got really nervouse." I was confused... "why?" I asked. He got off the bench, down on one knee and pulled out my promise ring he had made. That's right HE MADE MY PROMISE RING! " Gabby will you marry me?" "YES!" now, I know what you are thinking " well he asked you to marry him so you guys are engaged." Yes and no, we are promised to each other which is like an engagement, but we are not engaged. Just promised to each other. I'm not planning a wedding, although Pinterest might say other wise haha but Chance and I are giving our selves to the lord for two years,  than to each other for eternity. 

    Now the big question "did you get him a promise ring?" Yes, I got him a promise ring too, a CTR ring. To make it more personal I engraved the inside of it with my nickname he gave me :) Ladybug. I was having a really hard time deciding if I should get him a CTR ring or just a band, But I decided His mission is about the lord not me I want to lord to be his first Priority, I want him to know that I will always support him and think of him. I will always love him. I can't wait for him to go on this adventure. To bring people and himself closer to Christ. This week is going to be hard, knowing that everyday I get closer to saying good bye. Every moment I spend with him will be precious. They will be savored. I love him so much. I am so excited to hear from him, receive letters and send letters to him. It really is going to be a great two years!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Preparing to serve

     So as you know I am planning on serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. (if you didn't know that read the post called "my call to serve") It hasn't really hit me until this past month that my time is getting closer! I am so excited. As you know too, I have a Boyfriend who will be serving in the Germany Frankfurt mission (if you know anyone in that mission now let me know!) I can't be more proud of him and excited for him. But back to this month, on October 7th I woke up feeling like the day was going to be different, but I didn't know why until I looked at the date. October 7th 2014, 7 months until my availability date! I am so happy, I get to start my mission papers next month!  I have gotten a lot of questions or doubts as to why I "really" want to serve a mission. 
" It's just because your boyfriend is leaving and you think it will make that time go faster." 
"Why do you want to serve a mission? it just seems like a huge sacrifice to go out and not really know if you are going to convert anyone." 
"You want to be a teacher! if you go on a mission you have to put 18months of school on hold." 
I will confess I have had all of these questions or doubts in my mind at one point or another. Going on a mission will make the time Chance and I are apart go faster. It is a HUGE sacrifice to go out, and it's true I don't know if I will convert anyone. I do have to put 18months of my life on hold. But to be honest, I don't care. I am going on a mission to share Christs love. I want to remind people what life is really about. I want to share with families that their family can be together forever. I don't know if I am going to "convert" anyone, but I do know that I will change the lives of many. Sharing the great message of the gospel to so many people, no matter if they reject it or not, will have an impact on their life. I know My heavenly father is preparing people. I am so excited to find those who are prepared and share with them my testimony. I know God loves everyone. He wants all who have fallen from him to return to him. I want to bring his children back to him. 
  May 7th is a short time away. I don't know where I am going to be called or when I will leave, but I am so ready to serve the lord!