
Monday, May 25, 2015

Canda Winnipeg: Many are called, few are FROZEN!

Well, This is going to be my last post for 18 months! I leave to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Wednesday May 27th! I am so excited.
I have had a lot of emotions this last month as I prepare to leave. It has been the biggest emotional roller coaster I have EVER had. I am so ready and excited one moment, to Scared and not ready at all the next. But I know that Heavenly Father wants me to serve. He called me to serve in the Canada Winnipeg Mission. That gives me comfort. I know this where I need to be. I am so excited!

In my last blog post I just want to share my simple testimony with you all!
I know that this gospel is the true gospel, Jesus Christ suffered for all of our sins. We can be saved through him and be forgiven of each sin we commit.  I know I have a loving Heavenly Father who is interested in our life. He wants us to rely on him but also make choices for our selves. He wants just to succeed and be the best we can be!
 I know that I am a daughter of God. I love my Heavenly Father and He loves me. I proudly stand as a witness in all time, and in all things and in all places. I know The Book Of Mormon is a true book of God. I am so excited to share it's great message. I leave you with a challenge to read The Book of Mormon, study and pray to know that it is the word of God.  I know he will answer your prayers. I have done it for myself. I love you all. Heavenly Father loves you all. I know he does. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Am I enough?

As May 27th comes closer I am over filled with joy and comfort. I have had a lot of people ask me "Are you ready?" and My response has always been "Ehh, I don't know haha" I still am not fully sure if I am prepared. I mean physically, packing wise I am not. I still have the little things to get. I still am trying so hard to get into the missionary schedule of waking up.. Let's just say.. I am still working on that. ;) But spiritual and mental are my biggest questions. " you know it's going to be hard." 
" The hardest thing you have ever done!" " You are going to cry a lot and be frustrated." "You are just going to have to deal with the "pain" of serving a mission." All things I have heard and taken into consideration. I begin to question my ability, Am I really fit to serve? Do I have the capability to serve? The questions seem to get harder to answer as the time goes on. Am I enough?
 But then I ran across this scripture
 3 Nephi 5:13-14
13 Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called‍ of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.
 14 And it hath become expedient that I, according to the will of God, that the prayers of those who have gone hence, who were the holy ones, should be fulfilled according to their faith, should make a record‍ of these things which have been done—

I have been called of God. God has trusted me to go out to Winnipeg Canada to preach his gospel. He has trusted me, Gabrielle Miranda Bersie to go and preach the truth and bring others that they might have everlasting life. That is such a huge comfort to me, But then the question is, is my testimony strong enough to share?
With that question in mind I found 
 Alma 5: 48" I say unto you, that I know of myself that whatsoever I shall say unto you, concerning that which is to come, is true; and I say unto you, that I know that Jesus Christ shall come, yea, the Son, the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace, and mercy, and truth. And behold, it is he that cometh to take away the sins of the world, yea, the sins of every man who steadfastly believeth on his name." 

I know the most important thing. That Jesus Christ lives. He is our savior. He suffered for all of our sins. I think back to the time that I have had to use the Atonement in my life. It brings such pure happiness to know that I have  a brother who loves me so much that he was will to die for me, and suffer such pain that I may be made clean. He loves me. I love him. He knows me. I know Him. My testimony is strong enough to share. It may be simple, But it is strong. I am so grateful to know that my family is forever, that the Atonement is real. That I will be able to return to my Heavenly Father if I keep His commandments and endure to the end. I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I am enough! 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

"I'll go where you want me to go Dear Lord"

Holy Cow I leave to serve as a Missionary for The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints in ONE MONTH! I am more than excited! I am also scared, nervous, stressed. EVERYTHING! But more over I am so excited and ready to share the wonderful Gospel of Jesus Christ!

When I first got my call, the question that was on everybody's mine was," Winnipeg Canada? Where is Winnipeg?" Well let me tell ya, It is about 3 hours north of Minnesota which means that it is very, Very ,VERY cold!
The Canada Winnipeg mission is the worlds largest geographical mission for the church. How cool is that!  

I am so lucky and blest to be going to Canada. I was mostly in shock because Canada never crossed my mind as a place to go on a mission. But I know that is where God wants me to go.

 My theme song for my mission is "Ill go where you want me to Go." What a powerful song! I am so in love with it. I love the whole song but the part that hits me the most is when it says,
"I'll go where You want me to go, dear Lord,
O'er mountain, or plain, or sea;
I'll say what You want me to say, dear Lord,
I'll be what You want me to be.

 Perhaps today there are loving words
Which Jesus would have me speak;
There may be now in the paths of sin,
Some wand'rer whom I should seek;

 O Savior, if Thou wilt be my guide,
Though dark and rugged the way,
My voice shall echo Thy message sweet,
I'll say what You want me to say."

Canada Winnipeg is where the Lords wants me to go and that is where I am going.
I have grown such a deep love for that place. I can't imagine how much more love I can and will  gain!

I don't know why I am called to go to Winnipeg. But I'll find out. either there or in the far future. I am so excited to serve my Lord. I know it is going to be hard. But nothing that is worth something in life is gained from something easy right? Hard work pays off the best!
I have always loved working hard. It is so much more rewarding than getting off easy.
I am called of God.
I am a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Heavenly Father is Mindful of us. And all pets go to Heaven

This past Saturday was an emotional day. It was also another Testament to me that our Heavenly Father is mindful of us.  Our sweet dog Daisy Mae has been very sick for the past month or so. We knew that she was going to leave us. What we didn't know was how. We had talked as a family about putting her down. It was a very hard decision. We had to make that decision about 3 years ago with our other dog Quincy. We knew how hard and what we had to do to prepare for this second death.  We all really wanted her to pass on her own. I personally wanted her to pass on her own. I prayed that she would. But I also prayed I wouldn't be home when it happened. Daisy's death was especially hard on me because she was my baby. We were inseparable. She was my
puppy, we clicked when we first got her. I mothered her like she was my own. I didn't want to see her pass on. I really wanted to be away when it happened. 
Heavenly Father knew how hard it was for me. He was mindful of my wish. We have a work Facebook page and on that page a girl asked if anyone wanted the last hour of her shift. I didn't want to take it at first. But I soon felt that I should. I had also planned on going to the temple with my mom and spending the rest of my free time with my little sister. I knew it was going to be a good day. I went to the Temple and had a great time there, I took my sister to get ice cream. Then went to work for one hour. I then came home. My sister came out to my car and it looked like she had been crying. She opened my car door "Daisy's gone.. it happened with in the last hour." You would think I would be totally heart broken, shaken to my core, and un able to breath but I felt at peace. I went into the back yard and saw my sweet Daisy lying there next to her house. She looked so peaceful, so happy. 
I didn't realize the timing and schedule of the day until later. I had gone to the temple earlier, spent time with my sister and went to work for ONE hour. That one hour was the hour Daisy decided to leave this life. Heavenly Father knew she would pass away that hour, He knew I didn't want to be there when it happened, He knew that one hour shift was what I needed. 
I am so comforted and at peace. I know my Heavenly Father was watching out over me. I know he loves me and he wanted to grant my wish. It was a day full of beauty, a day full of peace, a day full of love, a day full comfort. I am truly blessed.
I will miss Daisy Mae. The backyard feels empty and lonely. But I know that she is happy and out of pain.


Monday, February 23, 2015

The Wonderful, Amazing, Temple

What a wonderful weekend! I had the great opportunity to go through the Logan Temple with my family. What an amazing opportunity!
There is such a peace and strong spirit there. The people are so amazing! They greet you with such love. I felt so at peace with everyone there.
The temple is such a beatiful place. The colors are gorgeous and the decor is amazing! But even better the spirit is a amzing.
I have such a better understanding of the plan of salvation and my heavenly fathers love.
The temple is where miracles happen. My family is sealed together forever becasue of the great blessings of the temple.
I can't wait to go back and continue to grow and learn more.
I can't wait to be sealed to my husband one day.
I am so excited to share this gospel with those I will teach.
The temple is amazing.
If you have not been I encourage you to prepare to go. The blessings are unlimited! If you have been, go often, there is no better place to be!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Dear Sister Bersie....

Dear sister Bersie you are here by called to serve as a missionary for the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. You are assigned to labor in the Canada Winnipeg mission! You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, May 27th, 2015. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the English language. 
Wow! I am so speachless, I am beyond excited! I have waited for this moment for 2 years! I can't even believe it's actully happening. 
I am truly blessed to be able to represent the lord for 18 months. 
I can't even express the joy and love I have to this wonderful work. I can already feel the love for the people in Winnipeg. I am so excited to serve them. I am excited to meet my Mission President and his wife. Even though I will only be with them for a month. I am excited to be on this journey with a new Mission President in July. 
God has a plan. 
I know this is where I need to be. 
I need the People in the Winnipeg Mission. Both Members and Nonmembers. I know that every Elder and Sister I meet I will grow close too. These people will be my family for 18 Months. 
I am going to miss my family here in Utah. But I know both I and them will be blessed. I Report on my parents 20th wedding anniversary! I know that day will be so memorible. It will go down in my book as one of the greatest days or my life. 
I am so excited! 
It finally came! 
Zoe and Mary-Anne Wilde 
(Chance's sister and mom, I love these two!!)
My missionary buddy, Brynna

My Sister Alissa 
My Nursery Buddy, Maddie! 
My  Best Friend Hannah! (Who surprised me and came to the opening!)
The Red Maple Leaf

Friday, January 16, 2015

A Year of Bliss: Our fairy tale

Once Upon a Time
January 18th 2014

Adventures with the Princess's 
February 7th 2014

The "Curse" of Laughter Was Set
March 22nd 2014

The Ball
April 19th 2014

Coronation Day
May 30th 2014

A Royal Excursion 
June 27th 2014

The Royal Celebration
July 4th 2014

Enjoying the King in His Natural Territory 
August 30th 2014

The Promise Ring Was Placed
September 13th 2014

The Royal Farewell Feast 
October 18th 2014

We Said Our Farewell
October 20th 2014

The King Set Off on His Quest to Save the Kingdom
October 22nd 2014

The Queen Celebrated His Quest 
November 22nd 2014 

The Queen and Kings First Christmas Apart,
They were able to see and speak with each other for a short time. 
December 25th 2014

And They Lived Happily Ever After...

Friday, January 9, 2015

I've wrote my plans in pencil, Now it's time to give the editor the pen.

     I've learned a valuable lesson this past week. In fact I have learned this lesson a lot through out my life. But I keep learning it. God's way is always better, He has a better plan for you, than you have for yourself. Wow have I learned this lesson so many times. But why? Why do I always have to be constantly reminded? Because I'm Human, I'm Imperfect, I'm learning.  And you know what that's okay! 
     I (re) learned that lesson this past month with  going through my mission papers and preparing to leave. I had it all figured out! 
MY plan:
Get mission papers done by Thanksgiving CHECK!
 first interview with my bishop done CHECK!
Interview with my bishop the second time 
Interview with my Stake President 
Submit papers 
Get my call 

Well I got the first two done when I wanted them done but the last steps is where I started my learning process over again. After I had finished my mission papers I just needed to get my mission physical done. I felt healthy and I was excited and ready to get it over with. As my doctor was listening to my heart he heard a heart murmur. I wasn't too worried about it and neither was he, but he said I should get a echo-cardiogram done just for good measure. I did. I went in the next Monday. They told me I would have the results back in on Friday and I would be good to go. MY plan kicked back into action again. I was going to get my result back on Friday, Turn them in to my bishop Sunday, Get my interview with my stake president on Tuesday. He would submit them and I would have my call. NOPE, I didn't get my results back till the next Monday a week later!! But It wasn't the news I was hoping for. My doctor had found that I have sclerosis.(Which is I basically have a valve that only has 2 flaps insted of 3, and it's super thick making it less flexible) He wanted to talk to the Cardiologist and see what needed to be done. I was devastated! not only do I have a heart issue, but it was going to take even longer to submit my papers. 
Luckliy I got  a letter from my doctor explaining my health and that after talking with the Cardiologist they see no reason for me not to go on a mission or have any restrictions placed. I was so happy, but still kinda shaken up. I am going on a mission, but now I have this health issue. I never thought that I would have any health issues. I always felt I was heathy. I tried to be healthy at least. 
After this shakening experince I didn't really want to talk about it. I just shut out everything. I didn't want to even talk to my parents about it (It's hard to talk about it now but I am doing it) . Now it may seem super selfish of me to freak out about this little problem when there are so many bigger health issues out there in the world. But this is a big deal for me. I turn to my Heavenly Father for Guidence and Comfort. I need comfort more then anything. I prayed my heart out! I have only prayed this hard about 3 times before. But this time I prayed the hardest I have ever prayed. I wanted to know why, Why was this thing happenning? Why would God put this trial in my path? I wanted so badly to get an aswer.
 I woke up the next morning, prayed even harder, read my patriachal blessing, studied my scriptures and PRAYED again. On my way to school the thought popped into my head of a book I recently read. 5 scriptures that will get you through almost anything by John Bytheway. Im going to paraphrase what he said but basicly he was talking about how God tried Abraham with Sacrificing his son Issac and why. God knew Abraham was going to do it. But why? Maybe God wanted  Abraham to prove to Himself that his faith in God was strong and pure. That hit me. God knows how badly I want to go on a mission, But He wants me to know how badly I want to go on a mission.  I was so comforted. I know even more now that I do want to go on a mission. I am so excited. God does have a plan for us, He knows what is best. I learned that again. I learned not only does God try us to prove our faith in him, But to help us grow stronger and testify to ourselves that we are doing okay and we can keep going.