
Thursday, December 22, 2016

I am back!!!

I am back! With so many new adventures. I can't believe that I am actually home. It seems so strange to me. But so good at the same time.  
I am so grateful to have served in the Canada Winnipeg Mission. I remember when I first read my call I had no idea where Winnipeg was But I knew that is was exactly where the Lord needed me. As time grew closer to leaving to start this crazy adventure I would look up the weather and see -30 -18 etc and thinking " I AM GOING TO DIE!" My first few days in the MTC were surreal. I was lucky enough to spend some time with my Grandma Bersie in the MTC. Knowing she was there really helped me get through those 2 weeks. 
Stepping off the plane into Winnipeg I had no idea what to expect. I was tired, and just wanted to sleep.  
Meeting my first companion Sister Martin over Skype was less than ideal but exciting to know that I would make a 6 hour drive to Moose Jaw. I place where I would call my "Birth place" and my home for the next 12 weeks.

Having my very first baptism 3 months into my mission was a dream! I was finally able to see my purpose.. Did I know what I was doing? NAH! Do you ever as a missionary? haha Leaving Moose Jaw was sad but I was excited to see the wonders of the North. The next 6 months I would spend up in Prince Albert with 3 companions. I also got a little taste of what it was like to train. Crazy to think that you could learn more in training the 2nd time around than the first. 

 I spent my first Christmas away from my family, and cried when I saw all my siblings growing up with out me. 
Things took an unexpected turn when I was, well ripped out of my favorite area and taken aways from my favorite companion. Forced to leave behind the people I grew to love with all my heart. Not really able to say goodbye. 
I was put in Winnipeg where, to be honest I really didn't ever want to serve, But I know that I need to be there. Little did I know that God had bigger plans for me. I love Winnipeg and am so glad I was able to serve there. I was able to use my talents of American Sign Language and help my Brothers and Sister who can not hear understand more of the gospel what a blessing that was!
  The biggest miracle of my mission was finding, teaching and baptizing Cynthia and Keith. I am so grateful that I was able to meet this amazing family, who I fell in love with immediately.  When they entered the waters of baptism I knew than what my missionary purpose was, and I thought I knew how to be a missionary. I said some hard goodbyes and moved on down to Brandon. Where again I fell in love with the people. Funny how that works eh? I can't imagine my life with out this ward. I love them all and I have truly learned what it means to have faith, hope, charity, and patience. I learned that driving in the prairies during a blizzard is not the funniest thing. And Christmas conference is the best! Lots of memories and lessons learned! 
Through out my mission I have really seen Gods hand in my daily life. His plan really is perfect! With out a doubt I know that He loves me and I am His daughter. I know that Joseph Smith was called as the prophet to restore the Gospel of Jesus Christ, along with the priesthood back on the earth. I am so grateful for his willingness to do that. I know that because of that Priesthood our families can be together FOREVER. That we can live with God again and become more like Him. I know that Jesus Christ really did suffer, die, and rose again just for us! He knows exactly what we are all going through. I testify that Jesus Christ through of your name while He leaned against the tree in agony. He thought about everything you would go through, and He suffered there for a moment just for YOU. Just for Me. I know that with out a doubt., I know that as we read the Book of Mormon, Go to church, and pray we can grow closer to God and be the happiest we will ever be. I bare you my testimony that I know this work is real. I am so grateful that I was able to serve for 18 months.. really 18 1/2. For my Heavenly Father. The people of Canada will always be my family. They will always be in my heart. I know that God lives and He loves all of us! 
I want to share with you a bit of what I wrote my mom in a letter so you can understand what I was going through haha! 
 "Last night (Sunday December 3rd) was a tender moment for me. Sister Osborn and I were sitting talking and I realized I was going home.... For the first time it actually hit me that I will be leaving my beloved family in Canada. I honestly think that it is so much harder leaving here than it was leaving yous. I mean really I knew I was going to see yous at the end of 18 months. But... I don't know when the next time I will see my brothers and Sisters here. I am SO SO SO grateful for Facebook and email though. What a blessing that is for me! I will be able to stay in touch with those who are here. FOREVER! 
My mission has been such a blessing to me. and going home is the hardest thing I have ever done on my mission! Forget the hard times with no lessons, or the hard companions, or ever the freezing weather. I would keep all of that! I just don't want to leave. :( As I write this now tears are streaming down my cheeks because of the heart break I feel. There are so many emotions with the thought of going home. I don't really know what I am feeling at times.. It's strange."
I will forever miss my mission. But I will never forget it! It's been a wonderful 18 months! Here is to a new chapter in my life! 

I say this in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
(P.S this was from my last email so it it sound familiar, it is!)