He is here!
Wow! Where do I even begin? I wanted to get our birth story out there because 1) it's this weird time in life where technology has become so much more important in staying connected with everyone. And 2) I want to keep this memory forever and I felt like having this typed out would help with that.
First off let me just say, this also is not an attempt to gain recognition or pity. (You'll understand why I say that as you read) Also every birth story is unique and beautiful in it's own way and we ask that only positive comments be given and there be no judgement.
Jared and I were given the option to induce pretty early on in this pregnancy. My doctor had said he would like to at 39 weeks but we would talk about it when the time got closer.
Everything about this pregnancy was BEAUTIFUL and HEALTHY. Other than the normal 1st trimester morning sickness and the growing aches n pains, everything looked so good.
We set a date to be induced on May 11th, we would go in the night before to just start the process of softening my cervix. We got to the hospital at 6:15pm. That night everything was going well. Jared and I got some sleep and light contractions started. The only problem was I was still dilated 1cm and that stayed like that until they started pitocin at 7:30am Monday.
Contractions started but there was really no progress. I would just cry every time the nurse would check and tell me I was still a 1.
My doctor came in and discussed a Foley balloon to help my body past this hump. Not a pleasant experience haha but it got things moving and grooving!!! Then, Contractions really started going. Those were the most painful things I have felt. (Side note both rooms on either side of us were unmedicated births. To all you mama's that did unmedicated births, you are freaking rock stars!) I could not handle these contractions. They came on fast and fierce. There were 0 breaks between them and they were sent from hell haha. I didn’t know I could make sounds like I did when I hit a peak in the contraction. Jared was so great! He held me and loved me. Luckily the love of my life (the anesthesiologist) came to the rescue and gave me an epidural at 10 am. Jared sat in front of me and held me, I held tight to his thighs and put my forehead on his. Let me tell you, the best feeling in the world is feeling that epidural kick in and the pain goes away almost instantly. After that I was a whole new woman.
My water broke an hour or two later which helped my cervix dilate.
It was pretty much a waiting and checking game the rest of the day. I finally got to 9cm later that evening.
Then came the shift change and we got our 4th nurse. My doctor was already at the hospital for a shift so he came in about 11pm and the nurse told him the baby's hand was in the way which made my cervix not want to dilate fully. But when she moved it, BANG it was time to push. We did a few practice pushes and discovered that He was still face up. The doctor wanted to try and spin him but after about an hour and another doctor there was no luck. They started to talk about doing a C- section. I was totally devastated. I wanted nothing more than to push my baby out.
My doctor called in the hospitals on call c-section doctor and he gave it one last ditch effort to turn the baby.
With a little help from a vacuum, and pushing from 1am to 4:57am Reese William Jensen was born.
Because of how long it took and how hard it was they had the NICU team on standby.
When he was out they whisked him to the corner and started to clear his airways and get him to cry. That was a little scary because he didn't really start to cry. We would hear a little sound but nothing we really wanted to hear.
Jared and I were able to have a moment where it felt like time stood still .Jared held me as we cried and prayed. I will never forget looking over through the ocean of people to catch a glimpse of Reese. All I could see were his cute little feet, and that was all I needed to see to comfort my soul.
With all the commotion, and craziness it felt like Jared and I were the only ones there. Even though there were about 12- 15 people in the room.
The NICU team took Reese to start him on oxygen, Jared was able to go with him. One of the 3 doctors that was there explained to me Reese just needed a little extra help inflating his lungs, which usually take a baby 30 minutes to fully feel better. But our little man is a fighter and was back in the delivery room within about 10 minutes.
Jared was able to hold Reese and spend those precious first few moments with him while I got stitched up. I had a 3rd degree tear so it took all 3 doctor's two hours to stitch me up. In the meantime, someone had turned off my epidural so I was starting to feel the aches, pains, pokes, and pulls of every stitch. Luckily the wonderful anesthesiologist was able to come and give me a quick shot so I could be relieved again.
I was finally able to hold my son around 7:00am and it was the most beautiful experience. Such a tender mercy.
My Birth experience was not one I was expecting. It definitely wasn't the one I wanted. But I wouldn't change a thing. I know that sounds crazy, but every moment taught me something about myself. It reaffirmed to me that Jared is the best husband and support person I could ask for. Our relationship was definitely strengthened. Our family grew, and the love in our hearts overflowed.
My testimony in the power of prayer grew exponentially through those 36 hours. My Heavenly Father heard and answered every prayer offered up in that room. I feel so much closer to Him and feel so much more love from my Heavenly Father. Jared and I are so blessed. We love our little man. He is so perfect. I can not believe that he is actually here with us. Looking at him, it just amazes me that he was inside me. It feels like he has been with us for eternity. We are so so so blessed and lucky..
Reese William Jensen
May 12th 2020 4:57am
7lbs 8oz
20 inches
Dear Reese,
I am so excited to be your mom. I still can't believe that I have you. You are such a precious little baby boy. My favorite time I spend with you is right before you go to bed. The lights are dimmed, Lullubuys on. And you eating. I love how you look up at me as to make sure I am still there with you.
I am not going to lie, I am still nervous and scared to be your mom. I want to be the best mom possible for you. I hope that you know I will always try my hardest. I will make mistakes. But know that I will never ever stop loving you.
You are so perfect.
I am so excited to watch you grow up and see who you become. You already have such a cute personality.
Daddy and Mommy love you!